Do-now assignment

Aug23, 2010

Welcome to Ms Lun’s Geometry class!Cool

I would like to know more about you, what you like and what you are good at, so that I can make our study more relevant to your life. I want you to make the most out of my class. I want you to be successful. Please answer below questions independently and quietly.

       Name:                                                       Period:

       Seat code (the combination of number and alphabet on your desk):

       Home phone Number:                                        Parent(s) Name:                                     

       Parent(s) phone number: 

1). What is your favorite song?


2). What’s your favorite sport? 


3). Name one thing you like about Furr High School and name one thing you like about our classroom.


4). What role would you like to play in this class? Eg. Leader/organizer/winner/team player/manager/helper/time keeper. etc